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Investing in Fashion?
Investing in Fashion?
Today, I couldn't help but wonder when one should step aside from investing in classic staples and start buying into trend driven fashion. I have always tried to make sensible purchases; by that I mean luxury items that will never go out of style, like my Lady Dior or Chanel slingbacks for example. However, when… Read More
Emily Kate Dale
Book review: Todd Keisling – The Final Reconciliation
Book review: Todd Keisling – The Final Reconciliation
Already I have a strong feeling that this novella from Crystal Lake Publishing and Todd Keisling will be amongst my years best. A big call, I know, but for me this story hit all the right notes (see what I did there?!). In the late 1800's the short stories of Robert W. Chambers called 'The… Read More
The Grim Reader
Rape culture, parenting and lessons for my children.
Rape culture, parenting and lessons for my children.
Reposting a blog from a few months ago, but always, unfortunately,  relevant. A couple of days ago on Twitter, there was a guy spooling out a thread of tweets about how he now realised, where he had not before, that he had been complicit in the misogynistic environment women find themselves in. When other guys were making jokes… Read More
Feminist Parenting
Book Review (January 2017) Book Review (January 2017) Book Review (January 2017) Book Review (January 2017)
Book Review (January 2017)
The first month of 2017 is already over, which means it's time to talk you through the books I read last month. I did a good job and read 5 books this month. I decided to not only delve into some fiction, but also picked up two non-fiction reads and am currently 1 – 2… Read More
Floating in dreams
My Faith and My Politics
My Faith and My Politics
Why I've become more politically outspoken and the ways in which my faith informs my politics. Read More
Revolutionary Faith
April Kelsey
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