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Book Review: Outrage, Arnaldur Indridason
Book Review: Outrage, Arnaldur Indridason
Year Published (UK) – 2012 First Line – 'He dressed himself in black jeans, a white shirt and a comfortable jacket, put on a pair of smart shoes he had had for three years, and considered the venues in the city centre that one of the women had mentioned.' Denouement – A mechanic's garage A Review: The Icelandic novelists are… Read More
writerdsnelson 3 Likes
Book Review: The Serpent King – Jeff Zentner
Book Review: The Serpent King – Jeff Zentner
The Serpent King is full of heart, and there are moments where you'll find yourself chuckling along at the characters' antics, but it also packs an emotional punch. Read More
She Latitude
Reg @ She Latitude
Bad Theology or Bad Parenting?
Bad Theology or Bad Parenting?
Alrighty gang, our judgment on last week's Bad Theology post was considered not harsh enough for some readers (though one defended the picture), and I pledged I'd condemn with greater vigor from here on out. Later, I found myself saying, "Meh. I'll do what I want." In any case, I want you to know it's… Read More
Feeding on Folly
C. J. Hartwell
The Best Advice So Far – Book Review
The Best Advice So Far – Book Review
This is a book that I reviewed in 2015 and have been thinking about lately as so many people across the world struggle with feelings of disenfranchisement. Lots of us feel buffeted by events beyond our control and choices made by others. The beauty of this book lies in the affirmation that "You always have… Read More
Myths of the Mirror
D. Wallace Peach
Reforming American Politics:  Justice Democrats Looking Good
Reforming American Politics:  Justice Democrats Looking Good
In 2018, Justice Democrats will run a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress and rebuild the party from scratch. Read More
GarryRogers Nature Conservation
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